Archive for the ‘Twitter’ Category

bbm with an Android?

August 25, 2010

Fist Tweetdeck now BBM. By the end of this month (August) an app called CrossTalk will be launched that will make it possible for users to Gtalk BBM users, or the other way, by the way.

“The ultimate IM client for Android and Blackberry. Supporting multiple protocols like GTalk, AIM, MSN, Facebook and even BBM! That’s right, your Blackberry friends are no longer out in the cold, message your BBM PINS from any of the other networks using CrossTalk. Now your Blackberry users can BBM your GTalk Android users or anyone else. It’s an IM free for all.”

I too still don’t understand the thing…



Info sent by @Djxxflkid

Some bad Android tweets

May 28, 2010

I asked; #TeamAndroid what are some things you dislike about android? #BadAndroid

– @MrNonFiction @Team_Android how long it takes to get firmware?
-@Brajin @Team_Android nothing really. Wouldn’t mind seeing more
apps that use the gpu more.
-@kingofyo1 @Team_Android dislike the lack of updates for devices,
lack of support for older devices such as dream/sapphire

My Android & Me

May 19, 2010

I’m going to admit it, at first I wanted a iPhone, reasons being I brought into the hype and thought it was cracked up to be. At the time the choices were clear, either buy a iPhone or go with a more reliable Android, I made the decision to buy an Android. I knew nothing of the OS at the time. I knew it was from Google and had apps, knew it synced with Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. Other than that I was shocked to find all the other amazing features of my device.

I purchased my HTC Hero in late January with the intentions to have a smartphone that’s better than all the rest. Android is just that, the operating system has saved me on long road trips with instant Google Map directions, easy access to web and video because of the amazing ability to have flash player, which impressed me aswell, and syncing with my mail I can stay on the road longer.

A phone should simply amplify your pleasure, when my old Razr broke I realized I needed a sturdy yet multi-functional device, with multi tasking and music playing/video. My phone is the best I can get, and it’s only getting better. HTC is constantly improving on their products, things I may not have even considered to need improvisions. I’m proud to say I’m an Android user allied with Official Team Android to support and try and spread the word of how great Android is. I will never trade my phone for another, and I was so idiotic (I realize now) to want a iPhone.

By @MizzPackLeader

BlackBerry you Next!

May 16, 2010

PHOTO BY: @ninjasteeze

Prevent your Twitter account from being Hacked

March 30, 2010

Too many of you get hacked! (including Obama lol)

Tip Don’t give your password to anyone! or any none official app or site. (Beware hacking sites look real,always look at the URL address.if it look sispecious don’t enter your info.)

Tip Don’t click links in DMs from spammers. Even if you know the sender.(The person probably got hacked)

Tip Don’t ever write down your password.

Tip Change your password to a harder one, and change it when your account is sending messages you didn’t send.