Archive for the ‘Device Review’ Category

#DroidDoes | First Impressions on the DROID X

July 18, 2010


So here it is, my HANDS ON on the Motorola DROID X, these are only my FIRST IMPRESSIONS, as I’ve only had a day of real use on the phone. Expect more to come folks.

Droid DOES!

–ps – ENJOY!

#DroidDoes | Droid X 720p Test Footage

July 18, 2010
So here’s the deal, after enjoying some wonderful White Castle sliders on my lunch break, I decided to take the camcorder on my Droid X for a spin. Here’s just a snippet of the footage i recorded just outside my place of employment!
Looks nice, don’t it?

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Big Red's Droid Army: These ARE The Droids You're Looking For

June 11, 2010

These ARE The Droids You’re Looking For!

June – August 2010 will be an EPIC TIME PERIOD for Droid Lovers? Why?

Motorola will be releasing the next two chapters in the “Droid Saga” to market, the elusive Droid X by Motorola (aka Droid Shadow / Xtreme / XTRM / Evo 4G Killer) as well as the follow up to the phone that single handedly saved Motorola from self implosion, the Droid 2. Current reports, compiled from Gadget University, Engadget, and, as well as our own personal sources, both devices should be available by the end of August 2010.

Want some unofficial official specs on both devices? as well as some sexy newish shots? Check after the jump!


Evo 4G: A Brief Hands On

June 6, 2010

Hello there Android Addicts! I took a little adventure today to my local Sprint store, and got my greasy mits on an instore demo unit of the Evo 4G. Why? The honest reason is that I plan on buying the Motorola Droid XTRM on Verizon-which has the same size screen as the Evo (4.3″). I wanted to see if that size would just be too freaking big.

And it isn’t. Really, I was kind of shocked. So I decided, since I already had been kicked out of an indirect Sprint store for wearing a Verizon Droid Incredible t-shirt (or so I believe), that I would chill for a minute and play with it. Download an app or two, watch some porn a youtube video and really test out the Evo 4G.

Unfortuantly I had a 21 month old kid with me, so that wasn’t happening. But I did get some hands on time with it, and I wasn’t impressed at ALL. It’s the Droid Incredible with a bigger screen. That’s it. The EVO 4G is the HTC Droid Incredible with a bigger screen. Nothing particuarly special about it. Same Sense UI, same crappy set up. Same old song and dance.

People who switch to Sprint from Verizon, you’re losing SO much. The Droid Incredible is the EXACT SAME PHONE, just with a slightly smaller screen. Are you REALLY going to use that Front Facing camera often, if at all? Nope. Are you in a Sprint “4G” WiFi on Steroids WiMax area? Probably not. You’re losing ALOT in service quality, as well as customer service quality, considering I was kicked out of a Sprint store yesterday for wearing a Verizon t-shirt. If you already have Sprint, and happen to be in a 4G area-and can stand your battery dying within a few hours (according to @MichaelManna) than by all means. Get it.

Otherwise, wait for the Droid Xtreme…

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